Fotoliiga re:branding

Fotoliiga is Finland's largest chain of independent photo retailers operating in different parts of the country. The cornerstones of our operations are expert and high-quality service. Our dealers operate as independent entrepreneurs, offering you a comprehensive range of photo services in your locality. Fotoliiga wanted to bring its identity into this decade and at the same time harmonise its visibility among all its retailers.
Digital Priority, with their extensive experience in branding, won the competition for the look and feel.
fotoliiga ad

What we did?

The starting point for the redesign was a recognisable, timeless look. We harmonised the colour palette, typography and designed an appealing, recognisable logo that works in both traditional and digital media. The new logo communicates quality and service and gives each retailer a recognisable brand to wear with pride. We also implemented a look and feel website using wordpress.
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Contact us!

Vesa Nurminen
Creative & Sales Director
+358 4433 81576
[email protected]